About Us
The Denver Postcard Club began in 1978-1979 when many postcard clubs were being formed across the United States. Hazel Graves and Judy McDowell bought their first large collection of cards while vacationing in Arizona and in 1979 they met Bernie and Mildred Lackey - fellow Denver residents - at the Wichita Postcard Club's first show.
Bernie was an experienced dealer, and they decided to form the Denver Postcard Club with eight charter members who initially met at the Lackey's home. Since then, the club has grown extensively - to over 80 members as of January 2025! New members are always welcome; sign up any time of the year using the membership form or email us with questions.
ADDRESS • 2038 S Pontiac Way, Denver, CO, United States
Copyright © Denver Postcard Club. All rights reserved.